Thursday, November 1, 2007

So the World is Flat - Now What? (feedback)

My presentation here in Austin, Texas, at the Southwest TechForum will focus on the responses school leaders and other educators should take to our "flat world." These are the main points I plan to make in my presentation tomorrow-- I'll gloss over the 30,000' level changes and mainly focus on the classroom level. If you have feedback or ideas on this, please comment! I'll check out the comments tomorrow before the keynote starts at 8:15 am US Central time.

Prescriptions for big picture school 2.0

1- TIME: change the bell schedules of schools
2- MONEY: stop paying for seat time
3- STANDARDS: cut back the numbers, move to habits of mind
4- ASSESSMENTS: authentic, differentiated,
5- INSTRUCTION: blended, mix of digital and F2F
6- TOOLS: laptops for all
7- METRICS: story of newspaper article Wednesday, perfection is not the minimum standard
8- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: more of it, less whole group, blended, differentiated
9- LEADERSHIP: inspired, visionary, change agents
10- CREATIVITY: beyond lip service, insist on visible outcomes
11- OPEN CONTENT: publish standards-based learning objects on the open web, CC licensed
- ref 3 amigos keynote

Prescriptions for classroom-level change
1- DIFFERENTIATED CONTENT FILTERING: grant teachers less restrictive access to the web via your district content filter than students (story of China vs Oklahoma filtering comparisons)
2- PERSONAL TOOL USE: connect for PD, for personal usage of technologies
- you don't have to wait for your district
3- STUDENT CREATED MEDIA, Student media festivals
- digital storytelling: OK digital centennial, WWII Oklahoma stories
- cell phones for learning, gabcast, Liz Kolbs k12online preso
4- PD via K-12 Online Conference
5- USE WIKIS: Classroom Project Wiki, whitelist on your content server
- Local wikipedia article authoring
- Encyclomedia example
- abandon 19th century learning tasks
- expectations of uniformity, conformity, factory production model
- spelling tests
- don't just do what is convenient or easy, do what is best for students, what is authentic, uses real tools
7- USE VISUAL MEDIA: Lynn Burmark, processing 60,000x faster
8- BLENDING: Differentiate pathways for learning
9- PEER LEARNING: Invite students to teach
- project based learning
- real work, real tools, real issues
- 1 Internet-based collaboration per term
- project deadlines
- regular meetings with international partners
11- SCRATCH: After school Scratch club


Anonymous said...

This workshop looks amazing.

Would love to see the notes when it's done.

Love cutting back standards and focusing on habits of mind.

Carolyn Foote said...


I'll be there tomorrow and am looking forward to it.

A few thoughts--
classroom changes--what does your classroom look like? One of our students on our student feedback panel said today--that the way the room is arranged affects how she approaches learning. Similar to what Clarence Fisher said in K12Online presentation--I think this is important that we think about what classrooms "look like."

Relationships--relationship building is an important part of changes at the classroom and school level. (particularly if we are looking at making global connections).

I agree that on the school level--reexamining the school day is important. It's also important to reexamine the school day in terms of staff development--how do we give teachers enough time to learn all these new tools, technologies--and time to discuss shifting the paradigm? It can't be imposed-the changes will have to organically arise for that school.

Great outline--I'm really looking forward to the keynote tomorrow!

Welcome to Austin :)

Anonymous said...

I think we must do everything in our power to make the environments that kids learn in look and feel like the world they must function in. If this means partnering with industry and professionals or anyone else, we should do no less. Kids must practice for the real game of life with the real tools of life, anything less is cheating them and possibly crippling them for their own futures. The clock is already ticking and has been for some time.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

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